UCL, a global leader in AI and machine learning, is a core component of the ELLIS network through its ELLIS Unit. ELLIS is a European AI network of excellence comprising Units within 30 research institutions. It focuses on fundamental science, technical innovation and societal impact. The ELLIS Unit at UCL spans across multiple departments (Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit, Department of Computer Science, Department of Statistical Science and Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering).

“Some of the most effective learning algorithms are those that combine perspectives from many different models or parameters. This has always seemed a fitting metaphor for effective research. And now ELLIS will provide a new architecture to keep our real-life committee machine functioning --- reinforcing, deepening and enlarging the channels that connect us to colleagues throughout Europe At UCL we're excited to be a part of this movement to grow together. We look forward to sharing new collaborations, workshops, exchanges, joint studentships and more, and to the insight and breakthroughs that will undoubtedly follow. ”

Prof Maneesh Sahani
Director, Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit

“Advances in AI that benefit people and planet require global cooperation across disciplines and sectors. The ELLIS network is a vital part of that effort and UCL is proud to be a contributor. ”

Prof Geraint Rees
UCL Pro-Vice-Provost (AI)




Computer Science

Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit

Department of Statistical Science

Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering

UCL Energy Institute

Department of Experimental Psychology